Security During the Pandemic and Beyond

Security During the Pandemic and Beyond

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed a lot. Understatement of the year right? Everything from the way we grocery shop, to the way we work, to the way we access essential products and services has been completely turned on its head.


Amid these rapid changes, there remains one constant: the need for reliable security.


With the increased need for physical distance from others and the need for hygienic solutions to everyday essentials, we got to thinking about how we can help.


Let’s talk about the hands-free, front-door device that everyone needs right now.


That’s right, we’re talking about smart locks.


No-Touch Entry with Smart Lock Solutions


At Hugolog, we’ve always found value in being able to open the front door at the simple tap of your mobile device.


Think about it. Can’t find your keys? One tap unlock. Hands full with groceries? Your kid can one tap unlock with your phone. Kids locked out of the house? One tap unlock from wherever you are to let them in (or not if you want to maintain your peace and quiet, we won’t tell!).


Now, beyond all the modern convenience and normal life situations we can think of, no-touch lock and unlock functionality is more valuable than ever. cites doorknobs and locks among the highest-touch areas of your home, with the highest likelihood of carrying germs. Their interview with Rodney E. Rohde, Ph.D., program chair for the Clinical Laboratory Science program at Texas State University, reveals how aware we need to be of these high-touch surfaces.


“If you can grab it, you can put bacteria, viruses, fungi, and SARSCoV2 on it. And items such as knobs, handles, switches—including lights, and those on appliances—and remotes are ‘high-touch’ surfaces that often contain more bacteria than other areas of our homes, Rohde explains.”

 Hands-Free Motorized Deadbolt Lock

Are you going to argue with the editorial team at Martha Stewart’s site? Or dare to turn a blind eye to advice given by the experts? We certainly aren’t.


So here’s our tip: stop turning your deadbolt and using keys to unlock your door. Let us show you how.


Hands-Free Entry – HU03 + HU04 Smart Lock Solutions


The HU03 and HU04 Smart Locks represent our most advanced and forward-thinking deadbolt solutions. But, at the same time, we’ve kept simplicity and convenience at heart in our designs.

They install directly to your front door in mere minutes, replacing your current deadbolt and upgrading your front door security.


The HU03 Smart Lock provides you 3 options for entry. You can program a pin number on the digital keypad, open the door remotely with the free mobile app, or you can turn a key (yup, just like the old days).


The HU04 Smart Lock provides you 2 options for entry. You can program a pin number on the touchscreen keypad or you can open the door remotely with the mobile app. The HU04 takes the full step into the “smart” territory with a sleek modern design and removal of the keyhole.


With the kids coming in an out from school, you and your spouse coming in and out from your workplaces, any others who frequently enter and exit, you’re talking about hundreds and hundreds of touches to your front door lock in a given week.


Do you want the accountability of millions of daily germs from out in the world on your hands? (Pun fully intended in case you were wondering).


We think not.


Even if you forget to lock your door on the way out. Both smart lock solutions feature 30-second auto-lock. We all forget to lock the door sometimes – it’s inevitable. Let Hugolog remember for you with yet another hands-free means of securing your front door!

Hands-Free Smart Lock Home Security


With smart no-touch locking and unlocking via the free Huglog app, this eliminates unnecessary surface contact in a time when cleanliness standards are of utmost importance.


Stay tuned for more hints and tips for upping your security and safety standards!